Wessex Ridgeway, near Devizes, Wiltshire, England
crop: barley

As I walked into this field today (July 17th) to visit the formation, I noticed something
unusual: There was no way into the formation without flattening or seriously damaging
standing crop! This was due to the fact that the first 20 metres of the tramlines running
through the field were all filled with standing green barley.

The above photo shows how the set of tramlines leading into the formation were completely
filled up with vigorous barley plants a bit greener than the rest of the field. This was also
the case with all the other tramlines leading into the field.

As I entered, as carefully as possible, I couldn't avoid leaving a narrow track of downed
stalks in the tramline I walked to reach the crop circle. That made me really wonder:
How could anyone have entered before me without flattening a single stalk?

Walking into the formation I was surprised to see that all the barley had half risen up again.
The extent to which the plants had recovered made me think the formation, only reported
yesterday, must have gone down at least 4-5 days ago.

I also noticed that both the ring and the circle were well defined with sharp and neat edges:

Between the closest tramline and the centre circle, the area of standing barley was about
120cm at the narrowest. With some difficulty I managed to step into the central circle
without flattening any of the standing stalks. The centre of the circle was still clearly visible
and situated off the geometrical centre. I estimated that the distance to the periphery of the
central circle one side was aprx 3 metres and to the other side aprx 5 metres.

No obvious signs of human hoaxing could be seen on the ground or from the aerial photographic




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