  NEWS 2006    

Metallisk objekt over Adam's Grave

Metallisk objekt over Silbury Hill

Sperical objects and balls of light photographed by Norwegain in Wiltshire, England
The Norwegian composer has, for several years the crop circles in Wiltshire. He has shot numerous photographs in the area, and has also been recording film for his musical videos.

On the 31th July 2006 hephotographed a helicopter hovering over Adam's Grave near the village of Alton Barnes ni Wiltshire. Returning to Norway he took a closer look at teh photos and discovered two metallic looking sheres next to the helicopter (klick on the top left photo for larger version).

Teh same day he visited West Kennet Long Barrow from where he photographed Silbury Hill. In this photo he later discovers a similar metallic object to the one he photographed over Adam's Grave.
A couple of minutes later he directed his camera towrds the north-eastand photographed a crop circle at West Overton. Later, when he took a closer look at this photo, he discovered two balls of light to the left of the crop circle. See more images and read more about these balls of light here.


EBB Award-statuetten

Statuetten the EBE Award overrekkes Terje Toftenes

EBB Award to Norwegian crop circle documentary

Terje Toftenes, the director of the documentary "Crop circles, crossovers from another dimension", was recently awarded the price The EBE AWARD. The EBE EWARD stand for "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity". Toftenes received the price at "The Annual international UFO-Convention and Filmfestival" in Laughlin, Nevada, USA. The conference took place from the 3rd to the 5th of March this year.
The documentary won the price in two different cathegories.

 ■  The best documentary in the cathegory "UFO Related Theme".
 ■  The cathegory "The peoples Choice" from all the cathegory

At teh conference Toftenes also broke the following news: "JI have registered a new business "New Paradigm Films", which aims at developing new films within teh spiritual and paranormal realm.


Objektene observert ved Boreham Down i 2005

Objektet fotografert på Marskär i 1956

Mysterious objects observed at Boreham Down in 2005,
similar object photographed earlier

On the 21st of June 2005 the Englishman Mike Booth observed three mysterious objects in a field at Boreham Down. The objects moved slowly along the field between the sead heads, at the same time bending the top section of the stalks, leaving 30 cm deep tracks in the field. After the incident Booth, regretting that he haden't photographed the objects, made the graphic computer illustration to the left to show how the object looked (klick on the image for larger version).

Some months later the Norwegian crop circle and UFO enthusiast Signe Einsethcame across a photo of a mysterious object photographed by Kåre Kårevall on teh island of Marskär outside Stockolm, Sweden in 1956.
Teh photo was sent to Mike Booth who copnfirmed that the object was virtually identical to the ones he saw at Boreham Down. Booth was very pleased to learn that a photo of such objects existed.
(Klick on the photo to the left for larger version.)

Read the full story in the book "Crop Circles, History, Research and Theories".


Natures forside 29. juli 1880

Nature29. juli 1880, s. 290

Nature29. juli 1880, s. 291

English crop circle described in scientific magazine  in 1880:
NATURE, Illustrated Journal of Science, 29th June1880

Often still regarded by most of the public and media as a "new" phenomenon (since the 1970s / 1980s), findings by a number of researchers, continue to find cases which pre-date this time period, by decades or even possibly centuries":
The book "Crop Circles, History, Research and Theories".includes a comprehensive list of crop circles from before 1950.

A well-documented account of earlier formations, printed in the highly respected scientific magazine Nature, describes flattened circles with standing centres of wheat stalks (a characteristic still often seen today), in Surrey, England in 1880, a good century before crop circles became the publicly known phenomenon it is today. The July 29 1880 issue published (el. Printed), a short letter to the editor, written by a respected scientist at the time, spectroscopist J. Rand Capron, describing circular flattenings in a wheat field in Surrey, England:

NATURE - Illustrated Journal of Science, 1880

Storm Effects
"The storms about this part of Surrey have been lately local and violent, and the effects produced in some instances curious. Visiting a neighbour’s farm on Wednesday evening (21st), we found a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots.
Examined more closely, they all presented much the same character, viz., a few standing stalks as a centre, some prostrate stalks with their heads arranged pretty evenly in a direction forming a circle round the centre, and outside these a circular wall of stalks which had not suffered.
I send a sketch made on the spot, giving an idea of the most perfect of these patches. The soil is a sandy loam upon the greensand, and the crop is vigorous, with strong stems, and I could not trace locally any circumstances accounting for the peculiar forms of the patches in the field, nor indicating whether it was wind or rain, or both combined, which had caused them, beyond the general evidence everywhere of heavy rainfall. They were to me suggestive of some cyclonic wind action, and may perhaps have been noticed elsewhere by some of your readers."

Guildown, Guilford, July 23   -   J. Rand Capron

(Klick on the images to the left to see the article in full size.)



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