News 2009

Light phenomena and "UFO"-like objects
photographednear Hoeven, the Netherlands

August, 2007 through August, 2009

The following is a summary of a comprehensive report made available by Nancy Talbott on the
BLT Research Team's web site  in Desember 2009:

Robbert van den Broeke lives in the southern Netherlands' village of Hoeven. He has the ability to consistently and accurately predict the appearance of new crop formations. Now 29 years old (2009), he has since early adolescence experienced "visions" which contain both the location and the design of the new crop circle. He has also witnessed quite a few crop circles form, usually accompanied by unusual light phenomena.
Over the years events around Robbert have included many which are generally labeled variously as "psychic" or "poltergeist" situations, "out-of-body" experiences, "remote viewing," physical "translocation," "lucid dreaming," and "UFO" and/or "ET" encounters, and are documented with thousands of highly unusual photographs.

Robbert van den Broeke.

The American crop circle researcher Nancy Talbott from BLT Research Team (USA) has, for several years, regularly been a guest in Robbert van den Broeke's home in Hoeven. While Talbott was visiting in October 2008, one of the world's well-known figures in the field of parapsychology, American scientist Dr. William G. Roll, came to spend some days in Hoeven to meet and observe Robbert.  The three of them visited several fields in the Hoeven area where crop circles had appeared on previous occasions.

Dr. William G. Roll and Robbert van den Broeke.

During Dr. Roll's visit Robbert took numerous photos using Roll’s Kodak "Easyshare" C-813 digital camera, and a wide range of varying anomalies appeared (see, also, Part 5 of the "Light Phenomena Photos" report:

"UFO"-like objects photographed near Hoeven in October 2008.
(The photos were taken at the same location with a few seconds interval.)

On the 17th of October, 2008 was Roll’s last evening in Hoeven.  At about 11.30 pm, after Robbert and Nancy had driven him back to his hotel, they decided to visit a field where a few years earlier Robbert had experienced a dramatic encounter with a large, solid looking landed craft and "two tall, one eyed beings". As soon as Robbert and Nancy arrived at this field in 2008 Robbert began to feel the presence of an "energy" and asked if he could use Nancy’s camera. Talbott stresses that Robbert has no access to her camera unless she opens the case and hands it to him, and that all the images were taken in her presence and then seen by her immediately afterward, while both she and Robbert were still in the field. In these images a very strange light phenomenon appeared:

Strange object(s) photographed near Hoeven on the 17th of October 2008; these are just a few of the strange photos taken that night. 

During Nancy's visit with Robbert in August 2007 they had gone to a maize field not far from Robbert's home. That night Robbert took the first photo they had yet seen of a strange rectangular lighted object, again using Nancy's Pentax Optio digital camera, and with Nancy both present and watching Robbert as he took the shot.

Rectangular light object, August 2007.

Visiting the same field in October 2008, to both Robbert's and Nancy's amazement, Robbert again captured several images of what appears to be the same object, again using Nancy's camera and with her present, but this time at a different location, a field Robbert calls his "special" field. (The front end of their car and the license-plate can be seen behind and below the light phenomenon.)

The same rectangular (?) object, photographed by Robbert in October 2008.

In 2009 Robbert again captured what looks like this same rectangular object, this time in a field near Standaarbuiten where multiple crop circles had appeared. Again using Nancy’s Pentax Optio-33WR digital camera, Robbert repeatedly photographed this rectangular light object. In one photo it appears to be ”hanging” directly over Nancy’s head:

Rectangular light object over Nancy's head in one of the Standaarbuiten circles, July 2009.

For many years crop formations have been reported in the Hoeven area in conjunction with other very strange events. (See the BLT report here.) The summer of 2009 was no exception:

Two of the crop circles at Standaarbuiten near Hoeven, in July, 2009. (Find more images of the formations here.) 

Nancy arrived in Holland again in 2009, this year getting there during the crop circle season in mid July. On the 11th of July (before she had arrived) Robbert and his friend Roy Boschman had gone to Standaarbuiten to inspect a new crop circle which had appeared on the 29th of June, in the same field as the formations shown in the photos above, but in a different area. Using Roy Boschman's Sony DSC-S750 camera, Robbert took multiple photos while Roy walked around a narrow ring which surrounded the new formation.  Several of these photos, all taken within minutes of each other, contained a strange, partly transparent, "UFO"-like object, again  not seen visually, but clearly seen on the camera's LED screen, by both Robbert and Roy, after the photos had been taken and while the men were still out in the field.

The "UFO"-like object photographed with Boschman’s camera. In the image to the left, the object is seemingly hanging above Boschman’s head.

On the 27th of July, shortly after Nancy's arrival in Holland, she and Robbert along with Peter Vanlaerhoven and several other people from the "Dutch Crop Circle Archive" (DCCA), visited the field in Standaarbuiten where so many crop circles were appearing. On this occasion Robbert took a number of photographs using Vanlaerhoven’s camera (Canon PowerShot A-520). In these images, a similar object to the one Robbert had photographed on the 11th of July, appeared:

One of several "UFOs" photographed with Peter Vanlaerhoven’s camera.

Robbert continued to photograph with Peter’s camera, and in one of these images, taken three minutes after the photo above, a very different-looking "UFO"-like object appeared:

Peter Vanlaerhoven has published a report about these incidents on the web site of the Dutch Crop Circle Archives DCCA. 

On the 4th of August at around 9:00pm, Robbert and Nancy drove to a field near Zavenbergen where a fairly complex crop circle had been discovered on the 25th of July. By this time the farmer had begun to harvest the field and a wide swath of crop around the edges of the field had already been cut.  Nancy and Robbert walked past the partialy cut formation and Robbert then took some photos, again using  Nancy’s camera. These photos show a "UFO"- like object which, in the first photo, appeared partly transparent, but in subsequent photos, all taken within seconds or minutes of each other, the "UFO" looks more solid:

UFO"- like objects photographed in late afternoon with Nancy’s camera at Zavenbergen crop circle field, August 4, 2009. 

On the night of August 2nd-3rd, around 2:30am, Robbert and Nancy returned alone to the Standaarbuiten field. From about  3:00 am-3:45am, and again using Nancy’s camera, Robbert took well over one hundred photos in which brilliantly shining light objects appeared :

"UFO"-like light objects photographed with Nancy’s camera in Standaarbuiten , 3rd of August, 2009 between 3:00 am and 3:45am.

For many years Robbert's anomalous photos have seldom contained "UFO"-like objects, Nancy asked Robbert why so many of these objects might have been appearing in his photographs in 2008 and 2009. Robbert replied that he thinks a "cosmic" energy or force is being projected through him, which can most probably create any image it chooses. And that the "UFO" images may be being utilized now because so many people have come to recognize such images as being representative of the "other-worldly," of alternative realities. He suspects these photos represent an effort on the part of this "cosmic energy" to communicate to us the fact of its existence, - its actual presence here in our world, now.

On August 9th, Nancy’s last night in Holland in 2009, she and Robbert returned alone to the field at Zavenbergen. The field was now completely cut and the crop circle gone. As they walked across the stubble left behind by the harvester, both were thinking about how lovely the formation had been and experiencing again their amazement at the incredible photos Robbert had taken that year.

Nancy was feeling both some awe and gratitude that she had once again experienced these nearly unbelievable events while with Robbert in Holland, but these were private thoughts and she said nothing about them to Robbert. After only a few minutes in the field Robbert asked, once again, for her camera. On the photographs he subsequently took that night a brightly shining heart appeared, followed by a brilliant "UFO" which looked as if it were made up of light balls. Then, after a few more shots, the hearts reappeared, but this time with what look like a "UFO" visible within the heart:

To the left: One of the hearts which appeared on Nancy's camera at Zavenbergen on August 9, 2009. 
To the right: The last heart photo taken on Aug. 9, 2009 at Zavenbergen, this one with what looks like a UFO in it's centre. 

As Robbert and Nancy looked back through the images on the camera's LED display to see what, if anything, had appeared they were surprise and very moved.

When Nancy asked Robbert what these UFO shapes within the hearts might mean, he answered immediately:  "We come with love".  Robbert believes that the "message" behind  all of the strange photos he so regularly takes is that the people on earth "are sleeping," and that "they [we] make up their [our] own truths", concepts of reality which are not real, and which serve us badly. It is time for us to become more "grown up" and begin to live a more "real" life. It is time to allow the power of love to be a more important part of our lives.

Nancy’s comprehensive report about these incidents is posted on the BLT Research web-site here As many interesting points have been omitted in the short summary above, we strongly recommend that you read the original report.
Please note that the report is in 5 parts. When you reach the bottom of each part, you have to click on the link to the next part.

On the same web site you can also read Talbott’s reports about other incidents she has witnessed while visiting Robbert on previous occasions. All these reports include numerous interesting and highly anomalous photographs, most taken with Nancy's camera and with Nancy present as Robbert took the photos.
You can find the reports here (scroll down to the end of the introduction about Robbert).

Published with permission from Nancy Talbott, BLT Reseach.

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