

NEWS 2011      

Crop circle formed in maximum 45 minutes

Cherhill Down, Wiltshire
20th July 2011

On Wednesday 20th July, the Dutch crop circle enthusiasts Annemike Loots and Jan Willem Vekerk had
booked two flights at Wiltshire Microlight Centre to look at crop circles from the air.

Jan and Annemieke in front of one of the microlights. Pilot Tony Huge in the background.

At 10.00 am they took off, flying paralell with two microlight planes, one flown by the pilot Toney Huges and
the other by Andy Jones. Hoping to discover new formations, both Annemieke and Jan thoroughly inspected
all the fields they flew over.
Between 10.05 and 10.10 they flew over the fields at Cherhill Down, a small area one km southwest of Avebury,
between Cherhill, The Knoll and the fields West Down at Beckhampton. They both ascertained that there were
no formations in the fields in this area.

At 10.50 the pilot Andy Jones took off on his next flight, a lesson with a young student training for her pilot's
certificat. This was the first lesson where she actually flew the plane herself.
At 10.55 they flew over the field at Cherhill Down when Andy Jones discovered a crop circle in the field:

It was a simple circle, but he noticed that it had a interesting floor lay.

I learned about the new formation formasjonen at about 11.30, and immediately went to visit it on the ground.
In the simple circle, the stalks of wheat formed a unique floor pattern. Throughout the formation the stalks
were flowing in an elegant way:

I found it difficult to imagine how this unusual floor lay would look from the air. A couple of hours later,
when I flew to photograph the circle from the air, I could see how the lying stalks flowed in continous loops
from the centre to the periphery:

Some may think that it would be an easy task to make such a simple circle of flattened corn in 45 minutes, even
taken into account the time needed to enter and leave the field. But to produce a floor lay of this kind, one would
most ceratinly need more than 45 minutes!

Source: My interviews with Annemieke Loots, Jan Willem Verkerk, the pilots Tony Huges and Andy Jones
20th July 2011.

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